
7 Easy Steps to Upgrade Your LinkBossPro Account today

Upgrade Your LinkBossPro Account
Upgrade your LinkBossPro account to the PRO plan and get access to premium features today. 

To upgrade your LinkBossPro account you will need to login to your account

Once you have successfully logged into your LinkBossPro account follow the guide below. 

7 Easy steps to upgrade your LinkBossPro account
Step 1. Go to your current plan page in your LinkBossPro account. To do this click on the 3 lines on the top right side of the page, then click on your name and select the “plan” option from the drop down menu. 
LinkBossPro Account billing mobile menu - delete your linkbosspro account

Step 2. Click on “upgrade plan”.  

LinkBossPro upgrade account

Step 3. Select Billing type that you prefer (either per Month or annual billing). 

Upgrade your linkbosspro account plans page

Step 4. Navigate to the Pro plan and click on “Choose Plan”.  

LinkBossPro choose your plan button

Step 5. Confirm that all your details are captured correctly and edit them if changes are required. Once you are happy that you have entered all the information required, click “Checkout” to proceed to the Paypal payment portal or select Stripe for direct credit/VISA card payments. 

Step 6. Make payment using either Paypal or Stripe. 

Paypal: Login to your Paypal Account and input details or quickly create an account by selecting “create account”. 

Check your information and card details. If changes are required, either add a new card or amend your card details. Once happy you can go ahead and click “Agree and Continue”. 

Upgrade Your Account to Pro Paypal login
Upgrade Your Account to Pro Agree Paypal

Stripe: If you select the Strip option, you will be redirected as per the image below. Input your details and click “subscribe”

LinkBossPro Stripe Payment

After processing payment:

You will be redirected back to your LinkBossPro account and will see the message shown below. Your account will be activated in a couple of minutes.

Upgrade Your Account to Pro Payment Success

Welcome to the LinkBossPRO plan, we are excited that you decided to upgrade your LinkBossPro account. 

Get ready to enjoy premium features that will take your biolink page to the next level. For pro tips and best practice, check out the blog “how to” guides. 

Still, need help?

If you have any additional questions, please contact our customer support team in the chat (blue icon in the bottom right corner) or check out more articles here in our blog. Alternatively you can email our support team via


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